Английский язык, АГМУ
350.00 руб
Дата сдачи: Февраль 2010
I. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Выпишите причастие (РI, РII) и определите его функцию.
1. Under "herbs" are meant the dried overground parts of herbaceous plants consisting of foliiferous and floriferous stems.
2. Most of the sodium salts used in pharmacy are made fr om carbonate or hydroxide.
3. If injected in concentration over 200 mg per cb cm the drug may cause toxic effects.
4. Ointment bases containing animal fats, vegetable oils or hydrocarbons are designated as oleaginous basis.
II. Выпишите самостоятельный причастный оборот. Переведите предложения
1. A deep blue layer having been produced between the ether and the aqueous liquid, the colour turned pink on shaking.
2. Phosphate being an important major constituent of raw materials, its study is also of particular interest.
III. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык, укажите форму инфинитива.
1. These capsules are hermetically sealed to prevent the walls from col¬lapsing.
2. The course of drug treatment of leukemia is accompanied by X-ray treatment to be applied externally.
3. It is possible to prepare final products of a high degree of purity by a simpler procedure of purification.
IV. Выпишите инфинитивную конструкцию, укажите, чем она является в предложении. Переведите предложение.
1. Powdered ergot was found to develop a strong odour of trimethylamine when treated with a sodium hydroxide solution.
2. The data obtained by the International Pharmacopoeia are stated to be exact.
3. The boric acid appears to increase the viscosity.
V. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Patient's having been infected by food toxins was not easy lo detect.
2. The physical forces playing an important part in percolation are gravitation, viscosity, and friction.
3. The Department of Drug Control has considered splitting the regulation of prescription medicines from OTC medicines.
4. Research in this area is currently being conducted in China and some achievements have been made in producing new products.
1. Прочтите и переведите текст
2.Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний и выпишите их:
3. Переведите письменно первый и второй абзацы.
4. Найдите в тексте синонимы данных слов и выпишите их: Different - various, to eliminate – to remove, mainly – chiefly
5. письменно ответьте на вопросы:
1. What is soft soap?
2. How many years has it been used under the name of "green soap"?
3. What is soft soap of France made of?
4. Wh ere is soft soap used in?
5. Why mustn’t the soap be too hot?
6. Выпишите из текста сложноподчинённые предложения и переведите их.
Green Soap; Sapo Mollins; Soft soap
1. Soft soap is a potassium soap completely dissolved in the solution of its alkali, which is present in excess. As made in this country, it is usually semifluid, slippery, capable of being poured from one vessel to another, and of a dirty brownish-yellow color and varying strength. It is officially described as "a soft, unctuous, yellowish-brown mass, having a characteristic odor and an alkaline taste. An aqueous solution shows an alkaline reaction to red litmus paper.
2. For more than one hundred years, under the name of" green soap," there has been used in liurope a soap made by saponifying linseed, rape seed, or other vegetable oils with various refuse oils, usually including fish oils, an excess of po-tassium hydroxide, and a Mule sodium hydroxide. The green color of this soap was probably due lo the presence of chlorophyll in the impure vegetable oils used. This green soap, or so-called " German soap," was formerly imported into America, but at present has been almost entirely superseded by soft soap made in this country, from which it does not differ in the nature of its active constituents or in its thera¬peutic properties. The soft soap of France has a greenish color and usually the consistence of a soil ointment. It is made of hemp seed oil, or sometimes of the dregs of olive oil, and potassium hydroxide.
3. Soft soap is used in medicine almost exclusively in the treatment of ec¬zema, although sometimes used in other diseases of the skin in which a very pow¬erfully stimulant application is desired. It acts chiefly by virtue of the e potassium hydroxide, which enables it to destroy fatty matters rapidly exudation, and to affect the nutrition of the skin. The tincture, the form in which it is usually employed, may be well rubbed upon the part, either in full strength o diluted, and immediately afterwards the skin must be well washed to remove the alkali, and then zinc oxide or other bland ointment applied.
4. "German Soft Soap."—B. B. Shuttleworth has furnished the following process for its preparation. " In a clean pot or dish, preferably of iron or copper, and capable of containing at least three times the quantity, put one part by weight of linseed oil; heat gently, and add, in two portions, three parts of liquor potassium. Boil quietly and stir frequently until the mass becomes clear, which with four ounces of oil and twelve ounces (fluid) of liquor will require about one hour, and with ten pounds of oil about five hours, (f, during the process, the mass becomes too thick to stir easily, add a little water. Allow the soap to become cool, but, be-fore it sets, work in the coloring matter, which must be previously prepared by boiling finely-powdered indigo with water until the color is formed into a thin paste. Twenty grains of indigo, boiled with one and a half ounces of water until the mixture is reduced to about one drachm, will answer for the soap from four ounces of oil. The soap must not be too hot, nor must it be rebelled after adding the color¬ing matter, or the green will be destroyed."
1. Patient's having been infected by food toxins was not easy lo detect.
2. The physical forces playing an important part in percolation are gravitation, viscosity, and friction.
3. The Department of Drug Control has considered splitting the regulation of prescription medicines from OTC medicines.
4. Research in this area is currently being conducted in China and some achievements have been made in producing new products.
1. Прочтите и переведите текст
2.Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний и выпишите их:
3. Переведите письменно первый и второй абзацы.
4. Найдите в тексте синонимы данных слов и выпишите их: Different - various, to eliminate – to remove, mainly – chiefly
5. письменно ответьте на вопросы:
1. What is soft soap?
2. How many years has it been used under the name of "green soap"?
3. What is soft soap of France made of?
4. Wh ere is soft soap used in?
5. Why mustn’t the soap be too hot?
6. Выпишите из текста сложноподчинённые предложения и переведите их.
Green Soap; Sapo Mollins; Soft soap
1. Soft soap is a potassium soap completely dissolved in the solution of its alkali, which is present in excess. As made in this country, it is usually semifluid, slippery, capable of being poured from one vessel to another, and of a dirty brownish-yellow color and varying strength. It is officially described as "a soft, unctuous, yellowish-brown mass, having a characteristic odor and an alkaline taste. An aqueous solution shows an alkaline reaction to red litmus paper.
2. For more than one hundred years, under the name of" green soap," there has been used in liurope a soap made by saponifying linseed, rape seed, or other vegetable oils with various refuse oils, usually including fish oils, an excess of po-tassium hydroxide, and a Mule sodium hydroxide. The green color of this soap was probably due lo the presence of chlorophyll in the impure vegetable oils used. This green soap, or so-called " German soap," was formerly imported into America, but at present has been almost entirely superseded by soft soap made in this country, from which it does not differ in the nature of its active constituents or in its thera¬peutic properties. The soft soap of France has a greenish color and usually the consistence of a soil ointment. It is made of hemp seed oil, or sometimes of the dregs of olive oil, and potassium hydroxide.
3. Soft soap is used in medicine almost exclusively in the treatment of ec¬zema, although sometimes used in other diseases of the skin in which a very pow¬erfully stimulant application is desired. It acts chiefly by virtue of the e potassium hydroxide, which enables it to destroy fatty matters rapidly exudation, and to affect the nutrition of the skin. The tincture, the form in which it is usually employed, may be well rubbed upon the part, either in full strength o diluted, and immediately afterwards the skin must be well washed to remove the alkali, and then zinc oxide or other bland ointment applied.
4. "German Soft Soap."—B. B. Shuttleworth has furnished the following process for its preparation. " In a clean pot or dish, preferably of iron or copper, and capable of containing at least three times the quantity, put one part by weight of linseed oil; heat gently, and add, in two portions, three parts of liquor potassium. Boil quietly and stir frequently until the mass becomes clear, which with four ounces of oil and twelve ounces (fluid) of liquor will require about one hour, and with ten pounds of oil about five hours, (f, during the process, the mass becomes too thick to stir easily, add a little water. Allow the soap to become cool, but, be-fore it sets, work in the coloring matter, which must be previously prepared by boiling finely-powdered indigo with water until the color is formed into a thin paste. Twenty grains of indigo, boiled with one and a half ounces of water until the mixture is reduced to about one drachm, will answer for the soap from four ounces of oil. The soap must not be too hot, nor must it be rebelled after adding the color¬ing matter, or the green will be destroyed."