Computer Viruses (Компьютерные вирус)
700.00 руб
Дата сдачи: Февраль 2010
Definition of a computer virus 4
Brief history of computer virus origin 6
Types of viruses 7
Infection sources and spread of viruses 9
Antivirus software and other preventive measures 10
Computer crimes. Penal Code of Russian Federation 12
Conclusion 13
Sources 14
2. Infected Voice. Issue 1, September, 1994. – STEALTH group.
3. Infected Voice. Issue 2, October, 1994. – STEALTH group.
4. Infected Voice. Issue 3. December, 1994. – STEALTH group.
5. Handless N.N. Computer virology. Part 1: General principles of operation, categorization and catalogue of the most widespread viruses in operating system MS DOS. – Kiev, 1990.
6. Mark A. Ludwig The Giant Black Book of Computer Viruses, 1998
7. Penal Code of Russian Federation
Internet sources