
Computer Viruses (Компьютерные вирус)

700.00 руб

Дата сдачи: Февраль 2010


Introduction 3
Definition of a computer virus 4
Brief history of computer virus origin 6
Types of viruses 7
Infection sources and spread of viruses 9
Antivirus software and other preventive measures 10
Computer crimes. Penal Code of Russian Federation 12
Conclusion 13
Sources 14


1. Burger, Ralf, Computer Viruses and Data Protection, 1991
2. Infected Voice. Issue 1, September, 1994. – STEALTH group.
3. Infected Voice. Issue 2, October, 1994. – STEALTH group.
4. Infected Voice. Issue 3. December, 1994. – STEALTH group.
5. Handless N.N. Computer virology. Part 1: General principles of operation, categorization and catalogue of the most widespread viruses in operating system MS DOS. – Kiev, 1990.
6. Mark A. Ludwig The Giant Black Book of Computer Viruses, 1998
7. Penal Code of Russian Federation

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